Sunday, February 1, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

Finally. A movie that meets my expectations. 'Slumdog' is easily the best thing Danny Boyle has done in years, at least since 'Vacuuming Completely Nude In Paradise.' And it's one of the better things I've seen all year.

I have very little to say about the film that hasn't been said before - and plenty of ink has been spilled lately over this little movie that could. I wouldn't want to say too much anyway, as my objectivity can certainly be called into quesiton - the clutter, the colours, the bustling magic of the crowds brought memories of my own time in India roaring back, and I'm not too sure how easily I can separate the film from my fond (and disturbing and hilarious) recollections.

'Slumdog' had me from the earliest strains of 'O... Saya,' the opening song, as the camera pulls back to reveal the slums of Mumbai and then circles in on the chase therein. The film tells the story of Jamal, a street urchin straight out of Oliver Twist (or Rudyard Kiplin, or really any modern town or city in Hindustan), using all his wits to scrap by in the midst of India's great leap forward and ultimately vying for the hand of childhood love Latika, on the country's most popular game show. As implausible as the plot is, there's hardly a moment to doubt the string of coincidences that pulls Jamal towards his destiny. It's enough to simply enjoy the sights and sounds, the highs and lows, the brutality and the kindness, the terror and beauty...

Slumdog Millionaire: 9/10

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